Fancy Publications – Asian Development Bank

With regard to cultural minorities in Cambodia, which I chose as subject of my internship, I found two fancy publications on the homepage of the Asian Development Bank, among them the following title of about 70 pages published by the Asian Development Bank: Indigenous Peoples/Ethnic Minorities and Poverty Reduction (June 2002), which turned out to be a regional report on Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Viet Nam and can be found here. According to the introduction, the ‘focal agency for the project’ was the ‘Inter-Ministerial Committee for highland Peoples Development (IMC), located in the Ministry of Rural Development’.

ADB published another book titled “Participatory Poverty Assessment in Cambodia (2001)” which can be downloaded here. It contains a chapter titled “Poverty among Ethnic Minorities“ which can be downloaded separately on the same page and provides good arguments for targeting indigenous people in the framework of poverty reduction strategies specifically. There seems to be various relationships between different kinds of cultural minorities and them being overrepresented among poor and extremely poor (impoverished) people. Both publications indicate that there has been a number of national (in Rattanakiri and Phnom Penh) and regional workshops. They claim that there has been local assessment with significant participation of all relevant stakeholders, including indigenous/ethnic minority representatives and local government officials.
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Since my work is very exciting right now, I thought it would be a good idea to put down some report of more private nature. In contrast. However, this is closely related to what I am doing job wise.

Furthermore, I got the feeling that a lot of research needs and hopefully will be done on the issues that I would like to address but won’t be able to within the next three month. So I try to spread some ideas that might potentially be helpful for others down the road.
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